The Route is updated as FINAL as of May! ï¾ The route is almost identical to last years route, except for any required detours. ï¾ If we learn of any route changes prior to printing the Route Book the following files will be updated and the notation "PRELIMINARY" will be changed to "FINAL". Keep in mind that each year a few businesses change and roads change. Weï¾ make those updates and changes as soon as we are aware of them.
Below you will find the information we have about the route. All route information is Preliminary Draft form, though it will change very little from now until the race.
RAAM GPS Data can be found on the GPS Support page.
Climbing Chart for RAAM (PDF) (Preliminary January 2025)
Route Picture (PDF)
Directions (PDF) (Preliminary January 2025)
Maps (Preliminary January 2025)
Time Station Data (Preliminary January 2025)
Time Station Arrivals (Preliminary January 2025) *Estimated arrivals at each Time Station
KMZ file for a Google Earth flyover.
RAAM Route – Turns, Time Stations, and the route (Preliminary January 2025) - Right Click here and "Save as" to Download and open with Google Earth.